Sunday, March 27, 2011

Conquering a Field

When I saw you for the first time,
It was from across the dance floor.
Past a sea of people.
Your cheeks were flushed from the heat of the room.
& you were beautiful.
All around you were people fighting to stand out,
But not you
You were trying to blend in.
You didn't have to fight.
You glowed.

It seemed as though you were taken
I respected that
So I simply reveled in the fact that you exsisted that night.
Somewhere in this city.
I didn't go home alone...
I went home with my thoughts
Visions of the way your eyes smiled.

"If given the chance..." I said...
Then... I was.

You were so sweet & attentive
Like you really cared about what I had to say.
& you made me nervous
It was a good nervous
A great nervous

I remember looking at you all over
Your eyes
Your body

I remember thinking about how to describe the way I felt.
I felt the way a man must feel
A boy
It was like my body had a mind of it's own
Had it's own agenda
It's own brain
It's own will
My body wanted you
& if like a man, I could have shown it physically
I would have been embarrassed.

An animal
a monster
I felt split in two
My brain was overthinking...
Second guessing
My body... The animal
had no need for guesses or games

But that was then
& that was all

My brain, somewhat cocky
Always expects an outcome
A goal acheived
A new path conquered

A field is the result
With flushed cheeks
& laughing eyes


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