Monday, March 28, 2011

Run Girl Run

When I think about you
I think about songs.
I think about what you were doing at age 10.
Then I compare it to what I was doing then.
Where I was
At that age.
& what I was thinking.
What was the center of your world then?
What was my center?
My core?

Im sure your thoughts & ideas were very different than mine.

Did someone hurt you?
I've been hurt too.

Our fences keep us apart
But we have a connection.
It's under the covers of this un-made bed
Scrunched up at the bottom.

& your legs...
Use them to squeeze me tight.
I want to feel your center against my thigh.
I hug your's with mine
Rhythmically rocking back & forth.
Feels so fucking good.

Engulfed in your scent,
My nose amongst your hair sweeping your shoulders.
Kissing your neck
Smelling you
Grabbing your hair
& craddling the back of your neck.

I want all of me
against all of you.

Your breasts are soft against my own,
Only when you move do I feel your nipples
Hard at attention against my chest.
You are aroused
Excited & Eager.
I can feel your energy,
The neighbors can feel your energy.

I dont know what you're thinking
I don't know if you're thinking about tomorrow
or merely focused on getting off.

Are you thinking about details as I am?
Are you looking at my body & thinking about how I smell?
Are you in engulfed like me?

or am I just a warm body to you?
Avoiding my face & scent.
My lips & my skin.
Remaining detached
Only feeling the friction.
Just enough to get us both off.

I reach my peak because the combination of
My thoughts,
Your will,
& our friction
is almost too much to take.

My body it moves faster
I can't help it.
I have no control.
My heart rate is up & my mind is in bliss.
A new wave of energy overcomes me.
I take you
hold you tight & use you.
You are mine to use at this point.
You have no name
No memories
No past, only present.

My fingers are in your hair, then on your back,
Clutching at you.
So you can't move.
I need you in this spot right now until Im there.
Until im beyond there & exaughsted all movement.

It flatters me.
Your effort.
That we are both working toward this goal
for my bliss.

You owe me nothing
& give me everything,
But just for now....

When morning comes you will un-wrap your arms from around me.
Let loose your grip.
You will dissconnect with awkward mundane conversation as you get dressed for work.

No talk of last night.
That is over & done.
No need to re-cap.
A new goal is at hand.
Getting to work.
Getting out,
Going home,

A new fence
A new gate.
It's not my place to argue
or argue for my place.
It is what it is.
Pushing for a different connection
may lead to no connection & no friction.
Take what you get
get what you got & run.
Run girl run.