Monday, April 4, 2011

My Best Plateau...Oh What I've Learned From You!

Aside from Sydney you're my best plateau
& meeting you was fun
But there's alot of holding hands in this world set on taking it over.
& we can run & dance
Because we like the band
But neither one of us is one of them.

& now I'm losing my pace
Im losing my pace & I don't know why.
I don't know why & I dont care.
Tales of other women
will only break before they bend
About all of your stories... you see
I just don't care...
Well hardly anymore.

I can see a change of heart
Isn't in the works for you
So what works for you?
The pieces of myself that this city takes
I should've never looked at you the morning after.
Did you change your hair?
Still shopping in the same place?
Calling you today
Would make no difference at all.

Besides I suddenly feel scared
Afraid I wouldn't know
how to hug you anymore.

So just go about your life
I don't mind that I'm not apart of it.
I may miss you first
but you'll miss me the most.